Web and Social Media Resources

Podcasts have become a convenient and entertaining way to learn more about important topics. Check out some of these suggested podcasts. While not an exhaustive list, you will likely find at least one that resonates with you. Enjoy!
3. Food for Thought with Colleen Patrick Goudreau
4. Nutrition Facts with Dr. Michael Gregor
5. Main St. Vegan, Victoria Moran
7. Plant Proof
8. Nutrition Rounds , with Dr. Danielle Belardo
9. Our Henhouse
10. The Chickpeeps
11. Ordinary Vegan
12. The Disclosure Podcast, by Earthling Ed
13. Brown Vegan
There are some fabulous, passionate people creating inspiring content on YouTube. Please check out:
1. Earthling Ed (he has a great series on rebuttals to arguments against veganism)
3. Nutrition Facts, by Dr. Michael Gregor (nutritionfacts.org is a WEALTH of info to debunk all the misinformation out there)
5. James Aspey (took a vow of silence for a year for the animals!)
10. The Surprisingly Black History of Veganism
12. One Great Vegan: Music-infused, colorful vegan cooking
Getting Started with Free Starter-Kits​
Inspiring Vegan Speeches
1. Animals Should Be Off The Menu - Phillip Wollen
2. The New 101 Reason To Go Vegan - James Wildman
3. The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky
4. The Secret Reason We Eat Meat - Melanie Joy
5. How Not To Die - Dr Michael Greger
6. This Speech Is Your WAKE UP CALL! - James Aspey
7. This Speech Will Change How You See Everything - Bite Size Vegan (Emily Moran Barwick)
8. Oscar Speech 2020 - Joaquin Phoenix
9. You Will Never Look At Your Life In The Same Way Again - Earthling Ed
10. Why I Decided To Go Vegan - Merle O'Neal
Other Online Resources
1. PCRM (Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine)-evidence base, studies, advocacy, free continuing education credits for medical professionals
2. Purple Carrot (meal delivery: a convenient way to cook up tasty, healthy plant-based meals)
3. Happy Cow (app/website to find vegan restaurants when traveling)
4. One Green Planet (robust news site with resources about the environment and vegan living)
7. Nutrition Facts: evidence based info about all your health concerns from an MD (nutritionfacts.org)
8. International Vegan Association
9. All Creatures: Animal Issues Directory
10. Vegan Sidekick (and this is a kick of a site!)
17. Free e-Book: Non-Vegan Excuses & How to Respond to Them
18. Senator Cory Booker's move toward farm reform