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Discrimination and Bias Against Vegans

Couple's Portrait

What does the research say?

Vegans, many committed as part of their faith and spiritual practice, face ridicule, prejudice, and social marginalization. This is especially problematic in family systems and the workplace but also insidiously present in the media's negative portrayal and mockery of veganism. In one study, researchers found that 74% of news coverage related to veganism were "negatives"; 20.2% "neutral" and only 5.5% "positive". Prejudice against veganism are similar to religious prejudice and oppression; this makes sense considering that, for many vegans, the abstention from violence against animals used in the meat and dairy industries is fundamental to their spirituality. 


Researchers MacInnis and Hodson (2015) studied participant attitudes toward vegans and found that they faced as much bias as racial and ethnic minorities who are common targets for such hatred.  They found,


“...attitudes toward vegetarians and vegans were equivalent to, or more negative than, evaluations of common prejudice target groups… Both vegetarians and vegans were evaluated equivalently to immigrants, asexuals, and atheists, and significantly more negatively than Blacks. Vegetarians were evaluated equivalently to homosexuals, whereas vegans were evaluated more negatively than homosexuals.”


While this is a new area of scholarly research,  here are some articles from the literature, some of which overlap with issues of social justice:


Animals Australia and the Challenges of Vegan Stereotyping


Three Hots and a Cot and a Lot of Talk: Discussing Federal Rights-Based Avenues for Prisoners Access to Vegan Meals


A model for prison change: fighting discrimination


The Constitutional and Legal Rights of Ethical Vegans on Campus


BBC Article Saying Veganism Affects Intelligence Uses Outdated Data


Discrimination against Vegans


‘Ethical veganism’ is a protected class akin to religion in the U.K. after a landmark ruling


Dreaming of a vegan Christmas


What's your beef with vegetarians? Predicting anti-vegetarian prejudice from pro-beef attitudes across cultures


Eating with our eyes (closed): Effects of visually associating animals with meat on antivegan/vegetarian attitudes and meat consumption willingness


Employers, got vegan? How ethical veganism qualifies for legal protection under Title VII


Speciesism, generalized prejudice, and perceptions of prejudiced others


It ain’t easy eating greens: Evidence of bias toward vegetarians and vegans from both source and target


An ethnographic analysis of the cultural critique of vegan animal rights activists in The Netherlands


Older, greener, and wiser: charting the experiences of older women in the American vegan movement


New York Times: Stop Mocking Vegans


The “V” Word: An Inquiry into Vegan Student Experience in Calgarian Schools


BBC: The hidden biases that drive anti-vegan hatred


The vegan resistance


Toward a Vegan Jurisprudence: The Need for a Reorientation of Human Rights


In defense of the vegan ideal: rhetoric and bias in the nutrition literature


Becoming vegan: rhetoric, ambivalence, and repression in the self-narrative


Vegan Consciousness and the Commodity Chain: On the Neoliberal, Afrocentric, and Decolonial Politics of “Cruelty-Free”


Vegan Discrimination: An Emerging and Difficult Dilemma


Vegan revolution! A critical discourse analysis of the use of ‘linguistic camouflage’ by business organisations


Gender and Victorian animal advocacy


Veganism through a Racial Lens: Vegans of Color Navigating Mainstream Vegan Networks


Questioning the concept of vegan privilege


Vegans’ problem stories: Negotiating vegan identity in dealing with omnivores
















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