Sanctuaries We Love

Wilbur from Selah Carefarm
SC is the first in the world for those enduring traumatic grief. It's only one of a handful of carefarms in the entire United States. We do plenty of sweating, crying, and lifting here at Selah Carefarm. We also practice plenty of self-compassion, laughing, and putting things down in their places. This is a holy place and what happens here is ineffable. We use "carefarm" instead of "care farm" because we take 'caring' seriously, and none of our rescued farm animals are utilized for their products or for work. This is a sanctuary for them, and so we practice compassion and ahimsa through veganism and nonviolence toward all beings at the carefarm. The carefarming piece of the Cacciatore & Gorman (2016) model includes therapeutic agriculture and gardening, care for and connection to our 41 animals rescued from torture, abuse, and neglect, engagement with nature and ecotherapies, and green recreation.
Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of factory farming, advocate for institutional reforms, and encourage a new awareness and understanding of farm animals and the benefits of cruelty-free, plant-based living. In recent years, science has confirmed the inhumane and destructive impact of animal agriculture — a food system based on interrelated oppression and injustice.
We take in and nurture for life critters that are unwanted, abandoned, or need rehoming. Our mission is to strengthen the bond between humans and animals.
We take in individuals who would otherwise not have a loving home to go to. We provide rescue, rehabilitation, and enrichment to all who live here.
At Freed Spirits Animal Rescue our mission is to help animals, involve the community, and improve the quality of life for animals and humans through our dedication and persistence.
Best Friends: Save Them All
For over 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been running the US’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and building effective programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters.